Q1. Hardware: mobile phones, computers, digital camera,
colour printer, router, Internet connection, computer network (LAN-local area
network), USB.
Software: File transfer application. Various image softwares
were used to re size, insert arrows and crop photos. QR codes generator using
online application. QR reader. Google Docs used for online collaboration tool,
planning. Voice recorder. Google sites for hosting the website.
Q2. Limitations: time, speed of the Internet connection,
pictures have to be small so the download time is reasonable. We needed to
create a good user experience, limit the files sizes and limit the resolution
of the images so they don’t take a long time to download.
Cost: The QR reader has to be free. Google sites was used
because it is a free site used for hosting and creation.
Q3. Mr role:
I had to make two websites one was a tour guide from Visual
Arts to Library and the second was a tour guide from Visual Arts to Mercy
Square. Everyone in my group had to make QR codes for their own websites. I made
2 QR codes because I made two tour guide websites. Q4. Limitations:
Internet speed was overcomed by transferring files to USB drive and working on the assessmet at home.
We needed a way to get the QR reader to get onto the user’s
phone this was achieved by having instructions and assistance.
There were 500 photos in a folder this limitation was overcomed by sorting them in different
A shared document was used so everyone know's the status of each website, was by
using the grid.
Teachers were given edit permission so the teachers can edit
the website.
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