Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Querying A Database

Question 1)
Suppliers- We need a contact name, contact number of companies in USA.
This is the query made to get all the companies in USA. I had to select contact name, phone, and country to make the query work the right way. In criteria I had to type USA to get all the contact names, numbers of companies in USA.
These are the results that came from the query made.

Question 2) We need product names that cost more than $20.
This is the query made for all the products to show which cost more than $20. In order to see the right results, I had to type >20 in criteria for the unit price coloumn.
These are the results for the query made.

Question 3) We need products with more than 30 items in stock

The query made in this was that all the products that have more than 30 items in stock. In the criteria row for units in stock, I wrote >30 to get the write results for my query.

These were all the results that came up for products that have more than 30 in stock.

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